Hello cmb, thank you very much for your very quick reply (and sorry by the way as I created that topic in the firewall forum's instead of the proxy's one).
So, I've tried to do what you told me, unfortunately, I can't make it to work as my pfsense box is setup to be used with HTTPS (and transparent proxy can only handle HTTP).
So, if i'm logged in on the wireless interface and type in my address bar, it will redirect me to even if I ask squid to not allow that.
Also, sorry for that, my previous post isn't clear about my rules, so here is a screenshot (easier to see the rules i set up).
As you can see on that picture, I first block eveything to the LAN network. Then, it's OK, i cannot access, but as a downside effect, websites don't show properly or take ages to load (I think it's because elements blocked by the proxy show a white pixel located on the pfsense box accessible through
To make websites load properly I have to set it up that way.
But, the downside effect is that I can access the pfsense login page (and I don't want people I don't know connecting through WIFI to be able to access or see that page).
And, I think I finally find a workaround. It seems to work fine, but you guys might find a better way of doing it.
I just changed the block rule to LAN to reject like this:
Now, websites show normally (quickly as it should), and I cannot access my pfsense through the LAN IP or pfsense.domain.com.
It seems that computers connected to the WIRELESS network are still able to access the login page though the WIRELESS gateway
I'll look for a firewall rule.
Or, is there a way to tell pfsense to allow login only through the LAN interface and not any other one?
Also, what do you think of that firewall setup, does it look restrictive enough for you?
Is there an easier method of achieving the same goal?
Thanks a lot again for your help.
I'll let you know :)