Ok, figured I would update this post… Had hoped someone would have chimed in by now though :(
I have HTTPS filtering working fully, I didn't realize that SquidGuard couldn't really intercept the connection, but will instead just break the tunnel, hence why I do not get the error page.
As for not accessing this forum, apparently when setting up my targets, I had accidently selected Forum instead of Fortune Telling... LOL
The only thing I have had trouble with since has been sgerror.php, since I followed that guide, and use HTTPS for webgui management, it seems I can't get the proper error page. I attempted to copy the sgerror.php file over to the directory that is serving things, (I can serve an html file just fine!) but the browser just downloads the php file instead of generating a proper page with the block rule and such.
So, does anyone have any tips, or hints on how to get sgerror.php to work after having followed that guide?