Directly looking at the Makefile of Ntop in FreeBSD @Ports the URW fonts package is marked as a dependency:
LIB_DEPENDS=${PORTSDIR}/databases/gdbm \${PORTSDIR}/devel/libevent2 BUILD_DEPENDS= rrdtool>=1.2:${PORTSDIR}/databases/rrdtool \ dot:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/graphviz \ geoiplookup:${PORTSDIR}/net/GeoIP RUN_DEPENDS:= ${BUILD_DEPENDS} \ urwfonts>0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/urwfontsthis can be installed with: pkg install urwfonts.
I haven't narrowed this down yet 100% but am working on it, since this isn't a fix but getting closer I feel…. (as have just started with PFsense though I know FreeBSD pretty well).
Also under the path:
there is a file called:
whose contents look like this:
<fontconfig><alias binding="same"><family>Zapf Dingbats</family> <accept><family>Dingbats</family></accept></alias> <alias binding="same"><family>ITC Zapf Dingbats</family> <accept><family>Dingbats</family></accept></alias> <match target="pattern"><test name="family" compare="eq" ignore-blanks="true"><string>Symbol</string></test> <edit name="family" mode="append" binding="same"><string>Standard Symbols L</string></edit></match></fontconfig>I think (though I maybe totally wrong) that this might have something to do with the fonts not displaying…. as in a missing symlink or path location to the urw font package??
Still investigating however.....