@digitalvt said in SG-3100 Hangs after internet outage:
I couldn't even connect via browser to the pfSense?!
When you visit the GUI dashboard, the information isn't all static. Most of it is collected "at the source' and some of that isn't available "on site".
Example, package version info is compared with available versions on the 'Netgate' package server. A working connection is needed (read = DNS, amongst other, should work). If the connection is lost, the GUI behaves somewhat like any other web site that is off line. The GUI dashboard will show up, after some (DNS) time outs.
Start finding the answer to this question :
cc44ab7e-0d97-4f33-8d28-9734d86217ce-image.png 0612055684
Why is the Resolver restarting so often ?
When it restarts, DNS will be off line for several moments.
A reason might be, as you showed : if dpinger 'thinks' restarts the Internet connection is bad (very high latency, or even pings lost) then it restarts the WAN interface - and packages / processes like unbound.
Discover why your uplink (ISP) is bad, and you should be close to a solution.