@Octopuss Don't put any devices on that network other than your Admin PC or laptop or phone, etc.. Ie that is say the network you could talk to the pfsense web gui from..
My which is the default vlan on the switch, I just changed it from ID 1 to 9.. is my management/trust network.. My box is on it, an my nas.. This is the network my 3 switches management IPs are on, via their default vlan..
All my other devices - lets call them "users" on on other vlans - which are not the default vlan of the switches, etc. Tvs, printer, iot stuff like all my lightbulbs, my garage door opener, my thermostat, etc.. all on different vlans.. Not even the same vlan.. I have a roku vlan - which is TVs, rokus, directTV box, etc. Then there is an iot vlans where like my lightbulbs and thermostat and alexas are on, etc.
Trusted wifi devices, are on a different vlan all together. Then there is a "guest" wifi, etc again a different vlan.. None of those vlans are the default vlan of the switches..
The default vlan of the switch is what I call my management/trust/infrastructure vlan, etc. If you really wanted to get paranoid - you don't have to put anything on it.. Other than the switches management IPs, which you could allow other devices from other vlans to get to..
A layer 2 switch is normally not going to let you put an IP on another vlan (SVI) that you could access its management functions from. None of the entry level switches for sure would even allow you to change the ID of the default vlan, or create a svi on another vlan, etc. So if you want to "manage" that switch your going to need to be able to get to that vlan, even if you don't have any other devices on it other than that switch or other switches, etc.