Hi All,
A quick update for anybody pondering the same issues. The configuration described above works beautifully, with one minor drawback(or major, depends on your point):
You CANNOT test it from the pfsense itself (meaning you cannot use /Diagnostics/Ping and use one of the LAN IP addresses as source). The second(or third) interface for which Policy Based Routing is necessary will fail to ping to the outside(via WAN2). It appears PBR works for traffic which does not originate from the device doing the PBR (in this case pfsense). This is especially annoying when you do not have physical access to a device on the LAN networks.
So if your ping tests from the pfsense fail, do not worry and test from a device in the particular network you are PBR-ing.
Hopefully this helps other people.
edit: No restart was needed. :)