Okay got it working now.
It was indeed the firewall rule that killed it all.
For others looking into this, i had to do the following.
1. Add an interface alias to the nic with an ip on the modem's lan range (eg
2. Set outbound NAT to advanced and add a rule to get any traffic with the modem's lan range as destination (eg trough the virtual ip.
3. Add another outbound NAT rule to let the normal traffic (any) with destination any go trough not interface default ip.
4. Add a firewall rule to get traffic for the internal range ( use the default gateway instead of the FailOver.
The settings now look like this:
Virtual IP:
Virtual IP address Type Description [IP Alias] M01 Subnet [IP Alias] M02 Subnet
Outbound NAT:
Interface Source Source Port Destination Destination Port NAT Address NAT Port Static Port Description
WAN any * * * NO Outbound for M01
WAN any * * * * * NO Default Outbound WAN01
WAN02 any * * * NO Outbound for M02
WAN02 any * * * * * NO Default Outbound WAN02
Firewall Rules:
ID Proto Source Port Destination Port Gateway Queue Schedule Description
* GREEN net * * * none Modem 01 Route
* GREEN net * * * none Modem 02 Route
* GREEN net * * * FailOver none Default allow LAN to any rule
I hope i helped someone else by posting it ;)
grts, Marcus