@steveits thanks Steve but I was wrong, or more likely misread and understood Netgate's usecase for reflection, well all would work until there's some filtering going on the destination host, which is the case with my scenario
Anyhow the issue is resolved with the assistance of reddit
To sum it up if anybody else comes with similar scenario:
Old checkpoint fw is bound neither to interfaces or direction, only source and destination, for all the rules, firewall and nat, so just 1:1 NAT on checkpoint did everything regardless of interfaces.
When i fully realized that and tsg-tsg mentioning 1:1 i added 1:1 on the specified VLAN interface and that’s it, and no reflection after that since that would again NAT everything to pfSense VLAN interface IP and stopped at dns01 named.conf because of allowed transfer hosts
anyhow this is pfctl exact rules
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