At least until we can support layer7 pass rules somehow(which i do not have plans to do for now or without being convinced to do so.)
I will add some validation rules so people do not get confused with this and can understand what they are doing wrong from the validation error message.
Did I get you right, Ermal?
Is it really so that you cannot use L7-filtering to anything else than blocking? If that's the case, then I can not undestand why there are other rules in the container than Action + Block?
I thought that one has several options: To throttle (via Limiter), To forward (to a certain queue) and thirdly block using action. My intention is use Traffic Shaping to throttle P2P, not to block it totally.
It seems that ipfw_classifyd is missing from recent snapshots. Here is the relevant init string from /etc/inc/shaper.inc :
$ipfw_classifyd_init = "/usr/local/sbin/ipfw-classifyd -n 5 -q 700 -c {$path} -p " . $l7rules->GetRPort() . " -P /usr/local/share/protocols";
and ls output is
# ll /usr/local/sbin/ipfw-classifyd
ls: /usr/local/sbin/ipfw-classifyd: No such file or directory
I tried snapshot pfSense-2.0-ALPHA-ALPHA-20090804-1708.iso.gz and then upgraded to pfSense-2.0-ALPHA-ALPHA-20090819-2349.iso.gz
BTW, Layer7 works very well in blocking P2P, so the missing file is now available in the newest snapshots..
edit: Some proof reading