Ich habe mir das hier mal alles durchgelesen und mir
sind da einige Punkte zu aufgefallen, muss nicht die
Lösung sein, kann aber eventuell einiges erklären
oder verdeutlichen und dem einen oder anderen helfen.
Quelle: Troubleshooting Captive Portal
Anmeldung am Captive Portal
For local users, if the option to require the Captive
Portal login privilege is enabled, ensure the users
have the privilege directly or are members of a
group with the privilege.
The request must be to an HTTP site in order for
the portal to redirect the client. If HTTPS is enabled
for the portal, this may still work but it depends upon
the client browser or operating system automatic
portal detection to work. Many modern browsers
and operating systems detect portals now which
makes this less of an issue.
IPv6 basierende Probleme
Captive Portal does not currently support IPv6, so
IPv6 traffic is not able to traverse the portal interface.
If the interface has IPv6 configured and the client
attempts to use it, it may encounter network timeouts.
Probleme mit Apple Geräte
There have also been reports that on older version of
macOS, a Mac would refuse to load any HTTPS sites,
including an HTTPS portal, until it could load a CRL
and OSCP URL for the certificate. This has been fixed
in current versions of OS X.
Some users have had to add www.apple.com to their
allowed hostnames so that Apple’s call to their test page
Captive Portal Firewallregeln
On pfSense Plus software version
22.05 or CE version
2.7.0 or later, Captive Portal uses pf features for L2
ether processing under the hood. When having issues
with the captive portal, it is possible to inspect the
rules for debugging purposes.
To see rules for Captive Portal look in /tmp/rules.debug at the multiple sections starting with a comment # Captive Portal.
Ich hoffe auch wenn es auf englisch ist das der Eine oder Andere von Euch hier etwas findet das sein Problem besser
beschreibt oder erklärt, wenn er es damit auch noch lösen kann ist das natürlich noch besser.