Thanks for you Time johnpoz !
First - i extendet my Drawing:
So are you natting with pfsense or not??
At the Moment yes.
Really need to understand how you have pfsense configured here..
Actually, at the moment this isnt working at all and i just tested around.
No NAT Rules Set. i Just test it with Down-nat (no outbound - its automatic)
Also test with ANY-ANY Rules on WAN side.
But let my describe this Scenario from the beginning -
The Internet Uplink is a 100Mbit directional radio from Mountain to Mountain. (i live in Austria)
The Cisco Network / Switches provice several Networks for each individual Customer on this Mountain. (Hotels, ski lift Stations, flatlets, and so on)
So its Come in on One Point and is distributed via Fiber (from 100 to 500 meters) to differnt locations.
Cisco Switches are 48Port.
Each Customer has 4 Ports on these Switches with their Own VLAN provided.
Mine is -
They Router/Gateway for my Network is
So Basically it isnt a Transit Network - i Just Used it as one.
I will call this Network for now "Cisco Network".
Cause you can easly "hack" (and by hack i mean just plug a network cable into the Switch - cause they are easly to access) and my Customer said he dont Trust the other Customers who use the provided Network/Switches - i build the Pfsense Network for my Customer with his own Network and the DMZ for the Guest-Network.
Classic WAN-LAN Network.
As mentioned there is also a OpenVPN Tunnel to a Branch Office. (the Branch office has a Public IP - the Main Office hasnt …)
Until one week everything worked just fine.
Now my Customer bought a Fancy KNX System from an Electrican and control several things. (Light, Heating, ..)
No Problem in my Own Network.
The KNX Server is is
The Server also Use Multicast for some controls.
My Customer was so Happy with this System he decided he want to control more !
And the More are Other Locations in this Cisco Network. (wich are conected via Fibre)
And the Struggle begans - cause i didnt designed the Network for that Purpose.
The Customer already had Clients in the Cisco Network - but Only for Internet Usagage - not to communicate with Clients in the secured Network.
Use the (Pfsense WAN) as my Gateway was just a plain stupid idea and i just realized it while i was starting this topic here.
I ran into this Idea cause if i set as Gateway on my Laptop i could ping without a problem - and thought - easy cheezy i got this.
Another Idea is - To Hook up my LAN Side with the Cisco Switch - but i think this will also bring trouble since VLAN is designed just for one Broadcast adresse.
I dont know how the Cisco Switche are configured.
I cant test it - but its not clean.
If i cant get this to work there is a Worst Case Solution for the Problem -
There are Several free Pairs on the Fibre Cables.
So i can build my own new Network wich is in the Network (with new Switches on each location)
but the best way would be to get this working with the pfsense.
Cause it gave me headache thinking about to build another Network since there is already one.
Hope this helps you understand my "Scenario"
Tryed my best.