Hi !
I just got it working actually….accidentially I would say...
I was trying to figure out why all this happened so I temporarily removed the route (default) via the normal DSL gateway.
I instead added default route via tun0
Ofcourse this led to traffic flowing as expected following the default route over tun0, even the replies...
Now the really strange this happens :) I wanted to reset the default gateway by up/downing the WAN fxp0 interface and regained the IP for default gateway, BUT, and here´s the strange thing....everything still works as expected.....strange I thought and checked the routingtable (I was expecting traffic to fail in reply as I´ve written above)
What I found bugs me alot...
Destination Gateway Flags Netif Expire
default UGS tun0
The default route is OK via as this is the DSL router, but look at the Netif for this.....
I really have no answer to what really is happening other than I am happy everything now works as I wanted....In theory this should not work at all...
Can you explain this ?