The issue is likely caused by a somewhat messed up configuration somewhere. Do you have a configuration backup from before the upgrade when haproxy was still working? I wonder what the <haproxy> part of that configuration looks like..
As currently it looks like the frontend with name A and description A and without address is kinda 'broken', you could perhaps delete it and configured it fresh.?
p.s. i can make the PHP 'not' throw an error on it with a few minor changes, but still it wouldn't 'properly' work..
diff --git a/net/pfSense-pkg-haproxy-devel/files/usr/local/www/haproxy/haproxy_listeners.php b/net/pfSense-pkg-haproxy-devel/files/usr/local/www/haproxy/haproxy_listeners.php
index 859ba65697cb..275b318ce75d 100644
--- a/net/pfSense-pkg-haproxy-devel/files/usr/local/www/haproxy/haproxy_listeners.php
+++ b/net/pfSense-pkg-haproxy-devel/files/usr/local/www/haproxy/haproxy_listeners.php
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ function js_callback(req) {
$a_frontend_grouped = array();
foreach($a_frontend as &$frontend2) {
+ getarraybyref($frontend2);
$mainfrontend = get_primaryfrontend($frontend2);
$mainname = $mainfrontend['name'];
$ipport = get_frontend_ipport($frontend2, true);