@aGeekhere this question gets asked all the time - what your asking is problematic without a separate cache for the views or different clients, etc..
If client ask for something that would be blocked by filter dns, but they are set to ask non filtered dns - now that is cached. If client that should be filtered then asked they would get back what is in the cache.
Bind can run multiple caches - but not sure something you can configure from the gui.
You could prob get what your wanting out of running both unbound and dnsmasq (forwarder) with them listening on different ports, and then have your clients point to say or whatever that gets redirected to the new port unbound or forwarder is listening on to resolve your local resources, and then just forwards on to
Simpler solution to be honest would just run say pihole or something that pointed your clients you want to filter to that.. Then setup a conditional forward on it to forward to pfsense to resolve your local domain.tld resources, and if not in that domain just forward to Thats would I would do.