@artafinde said in IPv6 connectivity NAT:
First made sure the router gets an IPv6 on WAN interface with a proper prefix
WAN (wan) -> ix3 -> v4/DHCP4:
v6/DHCP6: 2a01:dead:beef:a600:92ec:77ff:fe29:392a/64
LAN (lan) -> igc0 -> v4:
v6/t6: 2a01:cb19:dead:beef:a6eb:92ec:77ff:fe29:392c/64
The WAN IPv6 '2a01:dead:beef:a600:92ec:77ff:fe29:392a/64" looks like a prfix, but its just an IPv6 in the "00" range as "a600" is just the first prefix from my /56 from my upstream ISP router.
The "0/0" I selected for my LAN, is the "eb" or "a6eb"
Btw : 2a01:cb19:dead:beef:a6eb:92ec:77ff:fe29:392c/64 is my auto assigned / attributed IPv6 for the pfSense LAN interface.
( why can't I chose 2a01:cb19:dead:beef:a6eb::1/64 ?? 😰 )
@artafinde said in IPv6 connectivity NAT:
v6/t6: ::
Dono what it is.
When I see I think about pfBockerng as that is the default Ipv4 it used for the totally useless DNSBL web server. Its .. not sure ... converted into something that looks and smells as an IPv6 by addding :: in front of it. I'm not sure.
My advise : need answers ? Ask question !
With pfSense, to no surprise, you do this by activating this :
System > Advanced > Networking
so from now on the dhcp6c client, the process that gets an IPv6 for WAN, and prefixe(s).
The answers are shown in the DHCP log.
@artafinde said in IPv6 connectivity NAT:
The radvd.conf is like below so it complains about prefix ::a0a:a01/128 ?
of course. That line is wrong. radvd agrees with me. "::a0a:a01/128" is :: in hex.
Get a real prefix if possible, and everything starts working.
I have installed the system patches package and activated all the patches ?
Lets see what the dhpc6c client log tells us.
@artafinde said in IPv6 connectivity NAT:
Internally the workstation it getting IPv4 normally and everything works on that but tcan't figure out the IPv6 settings. Do i need to run DHCP6 or can relay that ? Has anyone a similar setup and got it working?
DHCP is for "IPv4" lease handling.
DHCP6C is for a WAN IPv6 'lease' handling, and, if need, it will also handle the request for a, one, or more prefix(s).
Some magic words :
Hyperoptic IPv6 pfSense
No AI here, just click on the link.
The very first link, you'll see this :
and there you go : it looks nice and all that, but there error or misconception there.
IMHO : there is no prefix id for the WAN interface.
pfSense has a WAN right ? This WAN interface is like every other device connected to your ISP equipment. So pfSense does what every other device (phone, pad, Windows PC, whatever) does : it ask for an IPv6/128 and bingo, connected. Done.
But pfSense, unlike all your other devices, is a router.
So it has one, ore more LAN's.
The new DHCP6 role now is : it should also ask for a so called "prefix". It will do so if you set at least one of the pfSense LANs to "IPv6 tracking"
As in my IPv6 settings, you might say that prefix "00" :
is used for the pfSense WAN - my "00" is the prefix used on the ISP equipment LAN (thus pfSense WAN IPv6)
My pfSense also asked for a (1) prefix, to be used on my LAN :
so under the LAN settings I had to set :
and I obtained prefix number "eb". ( Why not "01" ? )
and that part shows my big issue with Orange (ISP) in France : whatever I do, my ISP DHCP6 server in the Orange ISP box will only grant my pfSense with "1" one prefix, whatever I do. It's a know bug. It has a /56 or 256 prefixes, and it only gives me one.
When I set up a second pfSense LAN to tracking, so it will ask for a second prefix, my entire IPv6 setup breaks. I guess its time to go to Paris and burn thing down again.
Btw : I can see in my box that my one and only IPS Box LAN device = pfSEnse has asked for a prefix. Do you have the same info ? It tells me that the DHCP6c pfSense request for a prefix was received, understood, accepted, and granted.