I whited out the private IP addresses, "they'' say its bad practice to post your network addresses although hiding private addresses is being very paranoid but I do as others better educated than I tell me.
Pic 1:
I wrote rules to allow UPnP only on my gaming console IPs so that other devices on that interface cant use UPnP. You could set up one rule for your entire subnet if you like but that wasnt what I wanted.
Pic 2:
I wrote rules to use static ports on the XBOX, PS3, Wii, and BluRay which are all on my DMZ interface so those look duplicated but each IP is different. The rest of the DMZ network has a rule to not use static ports as well as the LAN and OVPN.
I pasted those numbers on the pics in this post so you normally wouldnt see a space between the IP addresses and the mask for example,, etc.
![Picture 1.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Picture 1.png)
![Picture 1.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Picture 1.png_thumb)
![Picture 2.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Picture 2.png)
![Picture 2.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Picture 2.png_thumb)