I've recently purchased and configured from scratch my first pfSense box using the MBT-4220. It's been running well for about a week now and I'll have a few weeks further to evaluate it and tweak it. This MBT-4220 is a great replacement for a quite old FreeBSD system I've not upgraded in years.
For home use this is more than adequate and meets my needs:
DHCP pools and static mapping
OpenSSH user shell
OpenVPN connection for family mobile devices
traffic mapping using ntopng
Many of these things I configured by hand in the past but now have everything in a nice little box. Wifi access is provided by a separate wifi router.
I've read about replacing the fan with a heat sink so I'm investigating that as a possible upgrade.
For home the cpu runs 4-10% depending on activity and ntopng. Load averages are about 0.24 with a video stream running. Temperature with the fan is about 38-40°C.
Configuring OpenVPN for my family's phones and PCs is pretty simple. It's been good to add squidguard on the OpenVPN interfaces so I can filter out the trackers and ads (and other unwanted content).