This "" is an option that will get ditched soon.
I use this :
A browser on your LAN wants to visit facebook.com
But you, as the pfSense admin, have blocked "facebook.com" (as a DNSBL)
Do you think that a page like this :
will pop up to warn the user in its browser that 'facebook' has been blocked ?
Now way ! Because you, me and nobody can't break TLS. Remember, https is used. The browser want to visit facebook.com but it gets an answer back from some guy called "". That is interception, and that is bad. The browser will bark.
And not showing any pages - no way, it will throw the complex and scary messages on the screen .... (we all know them)
So, the admin that start to understand what TLS (= https) is, doesn't care about what the pfBlockerng web server "" has to offer.
"" was nice in the good old http days.
There are no http server anymore, they have been shut down (actually : they are still there doing just one thing : redirecting you to the https counterpart, as http traffic can be redirected.
That's why I "Null log".
Btw : Null logging means : return (means : doesn't exist, don't insist - do nothing)
means : return "" - which is, imho, as I exposed above, pretty useless.