Okay, so after a very long night and few coffees this morning, its now fully working without an issue, I can unplug the WAN cable and reconnect it, it jumps back up straight away. Rebooting the modem, the same, it waits for the link - once its there it reconnects and remains connected.
I first did a straight forward Factory Defaults reset, that didn't work. Next, did a fresh pfSense CE install, and that also has not helped, the same behaviour was repeating itself. I also tried the "forbidden fruit" fork, that didn't work either - same behaviour.
I still had the option to install pfSense plus from the days when I had the home lab license, so I installed that and the issue disappeared.... Rock solid. I set everything back up, all the packages I use and it still is working as expected. I have scanned through the changelogs / tickets on Redmine but couldn't see anything specific relating to this issue so my only conclusion is that something must have changed within FreeBSD itself.
How the logs look now, I have highlighted the event that never showed up before.
Feb 11 01:36:20 php-fpm 540 /rc.linkup: Hotplug event detected for WAN(wan) dynamic IP address (4: dhcp)
Feb 11 01:36:20 php-fpm 540 /rc.linkup: DEVD Ethernet attached event for wan
Feb 11 01:36:20 php-fpm 540 /rc.linkup: HOTPLUG: Configuring interface wan
Feb 11 01:36:20 check_reload_status 653 rc.newwanip starting ix0
Feb 11 01:36:20 php-fpm 540 /rc.linkup: Gateway, none 'available' for inet, use the first one configured. 'WAN_DHCP'
Feb 11 01:36:20 php-fpm 540 /rc.linkup: Gateway, none 'available' for inet6, use the first one configured. 'WAN_DHCP6'
Feb 11 01:36:20 check_reload_status 653 Restarting IPsec tunnels
Feb 11 01:36:21 php-fpm 20277 /rc.start_packages: Restarting/Starting all packages.
Feb 11 01:36:21 php-fpm 20277 /rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: Info: starting on ix0.
Feb 11 01:36:21 php-fpm 20277 /rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: on (IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) (interface: WAN[wan]) (real interface: ix0).
Feb 11 01:36:22 php-fpm 63053 /rc.newwanip: Resyncing OpenVPN instances for interface LAN.
Feb 11 01:36:22 php-fpm 63053 /rc.newwanip: Creating rrd update script
Feb 11 01:36:23 php-fpm 20277 /rc.newwanip: Gateway, NONE AVAILABLE
Feb 11 01:36:23 php-fpm 20277 /rc.newwanip: Gateway, none 'available' for inet6, use the first one configured. 'WAN_DHCP6'
Feb 11 01:36:23 php-fpm 20277 /rc.newwanip: IP Address has changed, killing states on former IP Address
Feb 11 01:36:24 php-fpm 63053 /rc.newwanip: Netgate pfSense Plus package system has detected an IP change or dynamic WAN reconnection - -> - Restarting packages.
Feb 11 01:36:24 check_reload_status 653 Starting packages
Feb 11 01:36:24 check_reload_status 653 Reloading filter
Feb 11 01:36:24 check_reload_status 653 Reloading filter
Feb 11 01:36:25 php-fpm 3134 /rc.start_packages: Restarting/Starting all packages.
Feb 11 01:36:25 check_reload_status 653 updating dyndns wan
Feb 11 01:36:25 check_reload_status 653 Reloading filter
I have also followed your suggestions and removed remote DNS servers, only using Resolver now.
Thank you for your help!