I spent some time yesterday learning how to build from ports, and I was able to create Zabbix 7.0.6 proxy and agent binaries using a fully updated FreeBSD 14.2 VM. I didn't use Poudriere jails or anything, just ran
cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/zabbix7-server/ && make
I copied the binaries to a pfSense 24.11 box for testing and so far they work perfectly.
This is not a proper build and testing process, but it's a good indication that Zabbix 7.0 should work fine on pfSense 24.11.
I'm not a developer and don't have a Github repo, so I guess this doesn't help anyone unless I setup an account and submit a PR for my binaries to be included?
Also, is there a guide of what the statuses mean on Redmine? The Zabbix 7.0 package request is "Confirmed", "In Progress", and target is 25.01. Does this mean that Zabbix 7.0 will NEVER be released for 24.03 or 24.11? Is Netgate staff working on the packages to include with 25.01, or is it waiting on someone in the community to submit it?
If 24.11 is the currently supported version of pfSense, and assuming the Zabbix package doesn't require modifications to pfSense, then it should be possible for an official package to be released for 24.11, right? As far as I can tell, it can 7.0 behaves exactly the same as 6.4.
I think my test port uses different default paths for the config, log, and pid files than pfSense does, but the log and pid paths can be set in the config file, and the the config file path is given as a parameter to the binary. Or someone with more knowledge than me could just set those correctly in the build.